Stock Price


Last Update : Jul 15, 2024 16:35
Last Price

46.50 THB

Change (%Change)

-1.00 (-2.11%)

Volume (Shares)



To estimate your profit and loss, please fill up the following 3 columns, "Price Purchase", "Share Held" and "Price Sold".

Profit & Loss Calculation
Price Purchased (THB)
Share Held
Commission (%)
Minimum Commission (THB)
VAT (%)
Price Sold (THB)
Gross Dividend Per Share
Taxed (THB)
Tax Exempt (THB)
Share Held
Price Purchased Per Share (THB)
Price Sold (THB)
Total Gross Profit(Loss) On These Shares (THB)
Less Buying And Selling Commission (THB)
Less VAT (THB)
Net Profit(Loss) (THB)
As A Percentage, Your Investment Has Changed (%)

Net Dividend (THB)